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About us

Who is Girlguiding?

Girlguiding is the leading charity for girls and young women in the UK. We build girls’ confidence and raise their aspirations. We give them the chance to discover their full potential and encourage them to be a powerful force for good. We give them a space to have fun.

Who supplies Girlguiding merchandise?

Girlguiding owns a limited company called Girlguiding Trading, which:

  • provide resources, clothing and equipment for members of Girlguiding
  • produce and ensure easy access to guiding gifts and products
  • generate a surplus (‘profit’) to support Girlguiding’s Statement of Purpose – to enable girls and young women to develop their full potential and make a difference to the world
  • provide a source of information to leaders, parents/guardians, girls and young women.

Girlguiding Trading is based in Altrincham, Cheshire and features a modern warehouse operation to fulfil orders.

Give back to girls and ensure 100% of profits stay in guiding - buy your guiding essentials directly from our online shop, national or local shops or through our catalogue.

As well as sourcing and distributing clothing and gifts, Girlguiding Trading is a multi-channel retailer, where you can buy on our online shop, through volunteer shops, by calling us or by mail order when using the Guiding Essentials catalogue.

Guiding products are also available through these other means, but, unlike buying directly from us, the profits of these sales don’t come directly back to guiding:

  • We license David Luke to produce guiding wear that is sold through high-street shops. You can identify these products by the ‘David Luke’ label. We receive a royalty for licensed products.
  • There are various other external channels and sellers of Girlguiding products, uniforms and resources, but there is also no guarantee you’ll get the same quality of product as you do when buying directly from us.

How do I order Girlguiding uniform, resources and products?

To order your official Girlguiding uniform, products and resources you can:

How can I find out what products are available?

You can view products available to purchase:

What are volunteer shops?

Volunteer shops are local shops run by volunteers. They sell Girlguiding products and are an invaluable source of information and advice about guiding and our products. Visiting your local shop is a great way to view and try on our products, and shops can have exclusives on our limited edition badges.

Find your local volunteer shop.

Interested in running a volunteer shop?

For more information about setting up a local shop, please call Girlguiding Trading on 0161 941 2237, email us at volunteershops@girlguiding.org.uk or order our free resource Setting Up and Running a Volunteer Shop (order code 6932).
